


德国SMW 弹簧夹头 德国进口夹具



采用500万超高分子聚乙烯制作加工而成,高耐磨,耐高温,自润滑,适用各种链条的导向作用;高耐磨、耐温、精密、稳固、无声、环保等高精度的链条导向;采用500万超高分子量耐磨,耐温工程塑料"S","S1000"材料,具有经济,无污染特性;磨损小.摩擦阻力小;自行润滑.(不需任何润滑油) ;具有抗冲击性.使用温度范围-200~+80℃;具有减震作用,在潮湿环境下不易受潮;具有高的抗化学性能.有抗腐蚀性。


SMW AUTOBLOK公司是生产设施的优秀制造商,目标是为客户提供个性化的夹紧工程的解决方案,生产基地位于意大利都灵和德国,配备了最现代化的生产设施。SMW AUTOBLOK是高性能、精确性和高品质的代名词,SMW AUTOBLOK的特点是可靠、经济的夹紧解决方案。
德国SMW-AUTOBLOK Spannsysteme GmbH 公司在Meckenbeuren( 德国) 和CAPRIE(意大利)设厂,长期以来专门从事应用于*生产设备的夹紧工件研发与制造。几十年来,坚持通过创新和以客户为导向的产品开发思想成为SMW-AUTOBLOK 能够提供的服务的关键因素。


KSZ-MB Size Range: 40mm - 80mm
For bars 3mm - 80mm
Push Actuation
Uses DIN 6343 collets
KSZ-MB Collet Chucks utilize DIN 6343 collets and are designed for the efficient machining of bar stock on automatic bar machines with bar feeders. Round, square and hexagonal material can be clamped simply by changing collets.

Size Range: 42mm - 65mm
For bars 4mm - 65mm
Draw Actuation
KSZ-DZN Collet Chucks are designed for the safe clamping of bars, and the draw collet system provides the highest axial and radial rigidity. Collets are available in round, square and hexagonal configurations, or as blanks to be machined on the chuck.

Size Range: 100mm
For bars & shafts 42mm - 100mm
Draw Actuation
Rigid Axial Workstop for Shafts
KSZ-AZL Collet Chucks are designed for the safe clamping of bars and shafts, and include preparation for air sensing. Collets are available in round, square and hexagonal configurations, or as blanks to be machined on the chuck.

Size Range: 42mm - 65mm
For bars & shafts 4mm - 65mm
Draw Actuation
Rigid Axial Workstop for Shafts
KSZ-AZN Collet Chucks are designed for the safe clamping of shafts, and the pull down effect onto the workstop allows for high axial positioning accuracy of the shafts. Collets are available in round, square and hexagonal configurations, or as blanks to be machined on the chuck.

KSZ-NZN Size Range: 42mm - 65mm
For bars & shafts 4mm - 65mm
Draw Actuation
Rigid Axial Workstop for Shafts
Collet in Fixed Axial Position
KSZ-NZN Collet Chucks hold the collet in a fixed axial position, therefore there is no axial movement or axial forces when clamping. Collets are available in round, square and hexagonal configurations, or as blanks to be machined on the chuck.