Bias low power transistor amplifiers and diodes for parameter extraction
When using the network analyzer to measure impedance, such as the capacitance and ESR or a capacitor, or the DCR of an inductor, etc., it is often necessary to provide a voltage bias to the device being tested. This is true of semiconductor junction capacitances, varactors, and some ceramic capacitors (especially X5R). In these cases the impedance is a function of the DC bias on the device. The Picotest DC bias injector (J2130A) is used for this purpose during impedance measurements.
10Hz-10MHz usable bandwidth Low loss design
Easily measure varactors, junction capacitance
Measure X5R capacitor voltage sensitivity
Bias low power transistor amplifiers and diodes for parameter extraction
When using the network analyzer to measure impedance, such as the capacitance and ESR or a capacitor, or the DCR of an inductor, etc., it is often necessary to provide a voltage bias to the device being tested. This is true of semiconductor junction capacitances, varactors, and some ceramic capacitors (especially X5R). In these cases the impedance is a function of the DC bias on the device. The Picotest DC bias injector (J2130A) is used for this purpose during impedance measurements.