免费会员- 公司名称
- 青岛藤和空调净化设备工程有限公司
- 经营模式
- 其他
- 所在地区
- 主营产品
- 空气净化设备
- 产品数量
- 2条
青岛藤和空调净化设备工程有限公司坐落于美丽的海滨城市山东青岛黄岛区,主要承接空气净化工程,无尘净化车间,洁净车间,手术室、实验室净化,各类空调通风除尘工程设计与施工。以优惠的价格占据山东青岛周边地区。是一家以“空气、空调净化工程"为主导的企业。承接实验室、厂房、医院等场所的百级至十万级净化工程设计与施工。净化车间耗材及配套设备的生产与销售。 Tsingtao Rattan Air Conditioning and Purification Engineering Co., Ltd. is located in Huangdao District linked to the main urban area of Tsingtao by the world’s longest sea bridge (Jiaozhou Bay Bridge).Tsingtao, on the east coast of China, has been a powerful symbol representing high-tech, beauty and livability. Tsingtao Rattan is a high-tech enterprise specialized on "Air Purification". We undertake the design and the construction of Class1-Class9 purification engineering for laboratories, manufacture sectors, hospitals and others. In the meantime, we also work on the production and the sale of consumables and supporting equipment used in your purification processes. 施工范围包括:装饰装修、空调通风、配电、自动化控制、杀菌除尘、供气供水、环氧自流坪、PVC防静电地面、给排水、污水处理等,综合解决客户净化车间建设难题,一站式配套,为客户提供安 全、耐用、实用的净化作业场所。 Our work domain includes: decoration, air conditioning, power distribution, automation control, water and gas supply, sterilization & dust removal, self-leveling terrace, non-electrostatic PVC ground manufacture, and drainage & sewage treatment. We always work on a comprehensive approach to achieve the best purification design and construction to efficiently resolve any request from our customers.We provide a complete line of service for our customers to ensure a safe, durable, and truly clean workplace. 工程施工方面,公司一直秉承“洁净空间·用心智造"的原则,坚持用好材料、好工艺做良心工程。从客户角度出发,致力于传统高能耗净化车间向节能、环保车间发展,进一步降低企业的生产运营成本。 With respect to engineering construction, we have always adhered to the principle of "Clean 4D Space, Heart-to-heart Intelligent Manufacturing".To carry out a successful project, we have committed to high-standard raw materials and advanced technology. We have always stood on the side of our customers, to help to modify the traditional line with high energy consumption to an energy saving and environmentally benign process. More importantly, we endeavor to largely reduce the gross cost in production and operation. 公司拥有技术的售后服务团队,为新老用户提供完善的售后服务,解决业主的一 切后顾之忧。对净化车间用备品备件常年储备,提供洁净室售后保养管家式服务,减轻企事业单位净化场所管理负担,降低使用成本,让业主省力、省钱、省心使用。 We always offer a comprehensive customer service to resolve all enquiries from our customers. We store adequate equipment used in any purification lines.We treat ourselves as the caretaker of our customers, aiming at eliminating excessive bureaucracy, and reducing the maintenance expense. With consideration of our expertise and reputation, we promise to save your time, your money and your concern. 公司于2011年7月7日成立,近十年的发展历程中,公司始终遵循“质量好,服务至上"的理念,凭借的设计、规范的施工、完善的服务以及不断地技术创新,为客户提供更为完善的服务。 Since the foundation of our company in July 7, 2011, nearly ten years of development, we have always committed to"Quality First, Service Prioritized". We devote ourselves in the professional design, high-standard construction, daily-care service and constant innovation in our technologies.- 会员
- 免费会员会员第1年
- 基本信息
- 总人数,年销售额:
- 品牌
- 公司名称
- 青岛藤和空调净化设备工程有限公司
- 注册资本
- 人民币3000万元
- 注册号
- 91370211575786577P
- 登记机关
- 青岛市黄岛区市场监督管理局
- 营业期限
- 2011年07月07日-1900年01月01日
- 注册地址
- 中国·青岛西海岸新区龙岗山路65号
- 成立日期
- 2011年07月07日
- 法人代表
- 侯燕
- 企业类型
- 经营范围
- 许可项目:建设工程施工;施工专业作业;电气安装服务;建设工程设计。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)一般项目:工程管理服务;生产线管理服务;风机、风扇销售;环境保护专用设备销售;家居用品销售;制冷、空调设备销售;电气设备销售;家用电器销售;环境监测专用仪器仪表销售;建筑材料销售;电器辅件销售;环境应急检测仪器仪表销售;建筑装饰材料销售;灯具销售;机械电气设备销售;金属制品销售;风力发电机组及零部件销售;实验分析仪器销售;金属材料销售;智能仪器仪表销售;气体压缩机械销售;仪器仪表销售;日用家电零售;电工仪器仪表销售;金属结构销售;日用玻璃制品销售;电气设备修理;日用电器修理;通用设备修理;仪器仪表修理;办公用品销售;安防设备销售;家具销售;塑料制品销售;玻璃仪器销售。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)